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Constituency Office


The Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins Constituency Office is located at 77 Wheeler Road, Four Corners (inside the Kingsco Transport building). The office's current hours are 9 am - 4 pm on Mondays and 9 am - 2 pm from Tuesday to Thursday. The office phone number is (506) 567-4689. Tammy can be reached by email at The contact form at the bottom of this page will direct your message to the constituency office and Tammy's email address.


Chantelle Roy is the Constituency Assistant for MLA Tammy Scott-Wallace. Chantelle has lived in the Sussex area her entire life and has 11 years of experience serving the community to offer. She has a strong background in office administration and has volunteered at the SCES Home & School committee for many years. Chantelle is very eager and passionate when it comes to serving the people of Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins.


Chantelle is a mother to 3 children and can often be found cheering her kids on at a motocross track in the summer months or at the hockey rink throughout the winter.

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