The Environmental Trust Fund will invest more than $8.6 million into projects that will benefit all regions of the province.
The 205 projects for 2023-24 range from environmental research, education, and restoration; waste reduction and recycling; and climate change adaptation and mitigation.
“Year after year, we are pleased to support innovative grassroots projects throughout our province that encourage organizations, environmental leaders and communities to take on initiatives that create a better New Brunswick at a time we need it the most,” said Environment and Climate Change Minister Gary Crossman. “We know that climate change is happening, and we must do more to tackle it.”
Each year, the fund provides support to community-based initiatives that align with the following priority areas: protecting the environment, increasing environmental awareness, managing waste, addressing climate change and building sustainable communities.
In the riding of Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins, six projects will receive funding totalling over $250,000:
-Fundy Model Forest: Woodlot Owner Support for Watercourse and Wetland Alterations and Delineations ($51,200)
-Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee: Healing Headwaters ($40,000)
-Fundy Model Forest: Education & Outreach for Private Land Riparian Buffer Zone Management for Climate Change & Carbon Sequestration ($43,000)
-Regional Service Commission 8: Mobile Eco Depots ($25,000)
-Regional Service Commission 8: Paper Recycling Education within Region 8 Schools ($20,000)
-Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee: Head to Toe Monitoring Assessing Health of the Kennebecasis ($75,000)