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Kyle Bolt

Government offers training on signs of human trafficking

The provincial government is offering training to various stakeholder groups to help meet its commitment to address human trafficking. This training will give participants more insight on the issue, as well as ways to intervene effectively.

Human trafficking involves recruiting, transporting and harbouring people to be exploited, often for sexual purposes or various forms of labour, including domestic services.

“It is vital that we offer this training to our partners so they can help victims of human trafficking and support those who need to get out of dangerous situations,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister Tammy Scott-Wallace, who is also the minister responsible for women’s equality. “Because of the hidden nature of this type of crime, we need to make sure that law enforcement and the tourism industry are aware of the signs that someone is being trafficked, and learn from best practices, so that intervention can be done appropriately.”

The Women’s Equality Branch and the Department of Justice and Public Safety have partnered with:

Elizabeth Fry New Brunswick, to train people in the tourism industry to recognize signs of human trafficking and how they can help; and

the Fredericton Police Force, to co-ordinate specialized training for law and safety enforcement officers, which was provided by Truckers Against Trafficking.

The training for law enforcement officers allowed them to hear directly from survivors and stakeholders.

“The information provided to police officers will stick with them as they carry on within their respective duties,” said Const. Brandon Gaynor, intimate partner violence co-ordinator of the Fredericton Police Force. “The significance and complexities of human trafficking were laid out to help law enforcement better understand, recognize and respond to human trafficking.”

The Department of Justice and Public Safety will also be offering an information session to probation officers and correctional case managers.

“At the Department of Justice and Public Safety, we are committed to ensuring we have access to the expertise we need to serve our communities,’ said Public Safety Minister Bill Hogan. “Human trafficking is a global issue and has a lasting impact on its victims. We need to do everything we can to offer the help they need.”

More information about human trafficking is available online:

To report a suspected case of human trafficking, call the Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-833-900-1010.

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