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Kyle Bolt

Progress in Recruiting and Retaining Frontline Healthcare Workers in Sussex

(HORIZON) – Horizon Health Network, in collaboration with the community of Sussex, NB, is making significant progress in its efforts to recruit and retain frontline healthcare workers serving the residents of Sussex and surrounding areas. This progress reflects Horizon’s key priority of improving the recruitment and retention of healthcare workers within our organization and underscores our commitment to restoring 24/7 operation to the Sussex Health Centre’s (SHC) emergency department.

Horizon has successfully recruited three physicians who will provide Emergency Department (ED) coverage throughout Zone 2, with one physician dedicating 60% their time covering rural EDs including SHC. Physician recruitment efforts are ongoing, and Horizon is actively exploring all leads to secure the support required in the Sussex area.

Additionally, Horizon has recently welcomed two Nurse Practitioners (NPs) to Sussex. These NPs are playing a vital role in providing primary care services to residents of the area. They are actively adding patients to their rosters through Patient Connect NB, facilitating better access to health care for the community.

The recruitment of other nursing staff has also yielded positive results with seven Registered Nurses (RNs) and four Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) onboarded in Family Medicine over the past year. Two additional RNs have joined the ED team at SHC, further increasing the capacity to deliver safe and quality care.

“We are encouraged by this success in the Sussex area,” said Kerry Kennedy, Horizon’s Executive Director of Talent Acquisition. “We thank the dedicated health care workers who have chosen Sussex as their home and are committed to providing quality care to the community.”

Although there is more work to be done before the organization can fully restore 24/7 operation at the SHC Emergency Department, Horizon remains fully committed to this objective. Approximately 6 full time staff will need to be recruited to ensure safe and continuous care can be provided. We are actively working in collaboration with members of the Sussex community to promote the area as an ideal place to build a career in healthcare while enjoying the unique benefits the town has to offer.

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