A permanent connection linking the recreational hub of Sussex to the downtown core and its businesses will be an incredible boost to the community. I loved the concept for the Trout Creek Pedestrian Bridge when I heard the town’s idea a decade ago as a reporter, and I love it even more now as MLA and tourism minister. Creating a connection to easily allow pedestrians to move between Princess Louise Park and the core of town (accessible behind Royal Bank) is so important to the pedestrian traffic flow and will mean more support for local businesses by our visitors, especially during busy events like the giant flea market and balloon fiesta. I was happy to help secure $400,000 from the Regional Development Corporation through its Rural Economy Fund for 40 per cent of the project’s cost. I appreciated Mayor Marc Thorne explaining the project to RDC Minister Rejean Savoie and I during a recent visit. This is exciting. 🙂
Kyle Bolt