It was such a super day in Fundy-St. Martins with my colleagues Regional Development Corporation Minister Rejean Savoie and Environment Minister and Hampton MLA Hon. Gary Crossman. The province is contributing $480,000 toward the revitalization of the community lighthouse visitor information centre and the construction of an amphitheatre, which are key pieces to growing the tourism and economic potential of the region. The federal government is contributing $620,000 through ACOA for the $1.1 million project. It was great collaborating with Mayor Jim Bedford and MP Wayne Long on this exciting project in my riding.
Since we were in the area I took Ministers Crossman and Savoie on tour of the Fundy Trail Parkway. We saw beautiful scenes, happy tourists and even four lovely ladies stranded with a flat tire but we got them back to Sussex for a new tire so they could be on their way home. What an adventure! 🙂